St Andrew’s Anglican Church, Indooroopilly 7 April 2024 Preaching on 1 John 1:1-2:2 Rev’d Richard Browning At the school Easter service I led on Holy Tuesday we used a 5.5kg … Read more

Easter Vigil Homily

Matthew 28:1-18 ©Marian Free In the name of God, who in Jesus shows us how to be truly free – of our fears, our anxieties and our insecurities. Amen. Christ … Read more

“What an act of love!”

SERMON Maundy Thursday John 13.1-17, 31b-35 Sunday 24 March 2024      ©Lauren Martin During supper, our Lord and teacher takes the place of a servant – removing his outer … Read more

“Hosanna – Save Us”

Palm Sunday Philippians 2.5-11 Mark 11.1-11; 14.1-15.27 Sunday 24 March 2024                                                                                                 ©Lauren Martin Today we are walking through the doorway from Lent into Holy Week, as we remember … Read more

Sermon for Lent 4

John 3:14-21 ©Marian Free In the name of God, Earth-Maker, Pain-Bearer, Life-Giver. Amen. Snakes alive! Today’s gospel is so dense and so filled with complex ideas that it is easy … Read more