St Andrew’s is home to a worshipping community of faith. We seek to welcome all in generous hospitality as we follow Jesus in love and service. We take scripture seriously and thoughtfully, believing that we have a role to play in working for peace and justice. We seek to be people of prayer, proclaiming the Gospel afresh in our time. We choose to be a community of hope – embodying the way of Jesus in a liberating story of reconciliation and grace through our individual lives, families, our parish and the wider Anglican Communion.

Worship Services

Sung Eucharist: Sunday 9:30 am (in person and live on YouTube); including Sunday Youth activities in school term time
Said Eucharists: Sunday 7:30 am, Wednesday 9:30 am, Saturday 6:00 pm
Other services and more information

Video: 5th Sunday after Epiphany (9 Feb) – See also other recent services.

Stay in Touch

We have a parish email newsletter, generally sent on Fridays. Email the parish secretary to have your email address added to the mailing list.

Hire Our Space!

Venue hire for a function, event or regular meetings? Great things happen when we come together and talk about things that matter. We welcome you and your guests to fill our spaces with your ideas and stories.

We have a heritage-listed hall, large undercover room and a small room available. All are air-conditioned and two have kitchen facilities. For more information, see facilities for hire. If you are interested in hiring one of our spaces please contact us.

Quick Links (See top menu for more!)

Thread Together

Celebrating 10 years of service, this Thread Together video includes footage and interviews from the Qld operation.

Facebook Feed

St Andrew's Anglican Church of Indooroopilly

5 days 6 hours ago

Sermon for the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany offered by The Rev'd Canon Dr Marian Free. Isaiah 6:1-8 Luke 5:1-11 In the name of God, all-knowing,

St Andrew's Anglican Church of Indooroopilly

1 week 22 hours ago

See our posts on Facebook.

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land and their care for it for thousands of years. We recognise that when others came later to this country there was violence and injustice. We gather on this land we now share, aware of past injustices, and with respect for the land and its ancient people. Open to the Spirit, who has ever been present here, we resolve to continue to appreciate its beauty, to protect its resources, and to honour the connection the traditional custodians have with this land.

Roof Restoration Project

​Work on the roof is finished, but we still need to pay off the loan! If you would like to donate towards this project, please see information on the Roof Restoration Project page.

Open and Affirming

We seek to affirm the gifts of everyone – irrespective of sexuality, gender, race, culture, or other human characteristic – and pray and work for the full equality of all.

Have a question? Email the parish office:
Office hours: 9.00 am to 12.00 pm Tuesday to Thursday; 9:00 am to 3:30 pm Friday
Telephone: 07 3870 7263

St Andrews Anglican Church 89 Fairley St Indooroopilly Queensland Australia