Service Times

Note: This page only lists the regular service times. If you are looking for a one-off service, see the Parish Events calendar.

St Andrew’s has a Covid-Safe plan. Please do not attend in person if you have any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat or shortness of breath. Social distancing measures will be in place and must be adhered to.

Sung Eucharist

The Eucharist is the same as Holy Communion, Mass or The Lord’s Supper. It is the service where we follow Jesus’ command to his disciples to break bread and share a cup of wine in remembrance of him. As we give thanks over the bread and the wine, we are with Christ and in Christ making the connection between human and divine, between our lived experience and the eternal Giver of all life and love. Rowan Williams writes that to share in the Eucharist means to live as people who know they are always guests – they have been welcomed and they are wanted. It is why Rev’d Sue at the invitation to communion always says, “This is the Lord’s table – all who seek God’s mercy are welcome here.”

We have four different Eucharistic services in the week. If you would like to attend the service but not receive communion you are welcome to simply remain in your seat or come forward and ask the priest for a blessing when others are receiving the bread and the wine. If you are gluten intolerant, we always have gluten free wafers available – just ask the priest at the altar rail.


Said Eucharist – 7:30 am

This service lasts around 45 minutes and includes readings, different prayers for the church, for the world and for ourselves, a homily reflecting on the scripture readings and Holy Communion. All that you need to follow and participate in the service is contained in a printed service guide you will receive at the entrance to the church.

Sung Eucharist – 9:30 am

This is our major service of the weekend and includes readings, different prayers for the church, for the world and for ourselves, a homily reflecting on the scripture readings and Holy Communion. It generally lasts just over an hour. All that you need to follow and participate in the service is contained in a printed service guide you will receive at the entrance to the church. This service includes glorious organ music and choral pieces, and hymns in which the congregation joins the singing. During school term times, a Sunday Youth program is offered and children will have craft activities and teaching provided. Children are also welcomed into roles within the liturgy – as servers in the sanctuary or readers, or simply to bring forward the gifts to the altar.


Morning Prayer – 7:15 am

The night has passed, and the day lies open before us; let us pray with one heart and mind.

We pray these words each weekday morning as we settle into the comfortable habit of the Anglican Daily Office online. It is a simple prayer book service combining prayers, psalms and Bible readings as we give thanks for the gift of the new day and pray for the needs of our world and our community. Our Morning Prayer also includes 15 minutes of silent meditation if you wish to stay for this practice.

All are very welcome, whether you find a daily habit a helpful practice, or prefer to only pop in occasionally. We find it a powerful way to start the day, committing to walk with God through the waking hours before us.

All you will need is the epray app or a copy of the prayer book. You are welcome to borrow a copy of the prayer book from the church if you don’t have one. You can download the epray app for free to your phone or device from the Apple app store or Google Play. Ask Sue or Tim for the password for our epray app account.

Attend in person or online via Teams:

  • Meeting ID: 483 816 800 14
  • Passcode: Ubws2N

Or call in (audio only):

  • Phone number: +61 7 2104 7506
  • Phone Conference ID: 382 751 047# 


Morning Prayer – 7:15 am

Attend in person or online via Teams.


Morning Prayer – 7:15 am

Attend in person or online via Teams.

Said Eucharist – 9:30 am

Gathering in the middle of the week can be an ideal halfway point to be strengthened and encouraged through the week with a short said Eucharist using prayer books (which are provided). This service has only a very short reflection offered by the priest, so is concluded by around 10:00 am when we are sent out, encouraged to continue our week as disciples of the crucified and risen one.

Christian Meditation – 7:00 pm

Attend in person or online via Teams. For more information, see Christian Meditation.


Morning Prayer – 7:15 am

Attend in person or online via Teams.


Morning Prayer – 7:15 am

Attend in person or online via Teams.


Said Eucharist – 6:00 pm

This service lasts around 45 minutes and includes readings, different prayers for the church, for the world and for ourselves, a homily reflecting on the scripture readings and Holy Communion. All that you need to follow and participate in the service is contained in a printed service guide you will receive at the entrance to the church. It is called a Vigil Eucharist, from the Latin term vigilia, meaning a watch night – it is the time after the sun has gone down as we prepare for new dawn of Sunday. The same readings are used as for the Sunday morning.

Waypoint – 4:30 pm

Waypoint is a stopping point – a meeting place in the week to pause, listen, reflect and connect. For more information, see the Waypoint page. We meet in the Hall.

  • 1st Saturday of the month: The Gathering: A Community Meal
  • 2nd Saturday of the month: Contemplative Conversation
  • 3rd Saturday of the month: Contemplative Conversation
  • 4th Saturday of the month: Contemplative Service
  • 5th Saturday of the month: Talking Circles