
Pilgrimage, Adventure, Prayer, Hospitality, Silence, Discernment, Reconciliation, Peace-making

A place in the week to pause, listen, reflect and connect. Waypoint represents more than just a service: Waypoint is a meeting place within a wider commitment to a contemplative way of being in the world: a way at home in Celtic spirituality and the Anglican commitment to daily prayer and a lived faith of peace and justice.

We meet at 4:30 pm each Saturday in the Paxton-Hall room, with a different format each week:

1st Saturday of the month – Community meal: good company and conversation over a (mostly) vegetarian meal. Families, singles, kids, elders, believers, sceptics… all are welcome!

2nd Saturday of the month – Contemplative conversations: a structured group approach to meditation and reflecting on scripture.

3rd Saturday of the month – Contemplative conversations: a structured group approach to meditation and reflecting on scripture.

4th Saturday of the month – A contemplative non-Eucharistic service that features poetry, contemporary liturgy, music and silence.

5th Saturday of the month (when they occur) – Talking circles: Sharing and deep listening on topics that matter.

About the Way

Waypoint is the gathering that brings together those interested in following a Christ-centred way of being in the world that is witnessed to and embodied both individually and collectively through:

  • Head: reading, learning and reflection, depth and tradition, creativity, mindfulness 
  • Heart: worship and prayer, a meditation practice, gratitude as a way of seeing and a recognition of God in all things, intentional gentleness and grace in our relationships
  • Hands: service to others and the practice of justice, hospitality