In Deserted Places

9th Sunday After Pentecost 2024 ©The Rev’d Dr John Rolley +In the Name of God, Loving Creator, Compassionate Christ, and the Healing Spirit. Amen. I would like to commence with … Read more

Easter Vigil Homily

Matthew 28:1-18 ©Marian Free In the name of God, who in Jesus shows us how to be truly free – of our fears, our anxieties and our insecurities. Amen. Christ … Read more

The triadic lens of love

                                                ©Suzanne Grimmett It seems the Gospel reading for this stewardship Sunday gets straight to the heart of everything- love God, love our neighbour. May sound simple, but when we … Read more

Yes to life.

©Rev’d Richard Browning Readings Exodus 32:1-14 and Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23 Philippians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14 Context: Referendum and Australia says no. Gaza and the bloody conflict, Israel and Hamas Introduction What … Read more