Spiritual Jazz   

Feast of Pentecost Ezekiel 37.1-14 Psalm 104.26-36 Acts 2.1-21 John 15.26-27; 16.4b-15 19 May 2024                                                      ©Suzanne Grimmett “I never liked jazz music because jazz music doesn’t resolve. But I … Read more

Come to the water

The Rev’d Bill Crossman Readings:  Acts 17: 22-31; Psalm 66: 7-19; 1 Peter 3: 8-22; John 14: 15-21 Easter 6 – 14 May 23 Baptism of Maivy Letitia Crossman  –  … Read more

Listening for what is real

Acts 7.55-60 Psalm 31.1–5; 31.17–18 1 Peter 2.11–25 John 14.1–14 Sunday 7 May 2023                                  ©Suzanne Grimmett Howard Thurman has said, “There is something in every one of you that … Read more

The non-anxious God

SERMON Easter 6 Acts 16.9-15 John 14.23-29 Sunday 22 May 2022 The non-anxious God                                                          ©Suzanne Grimmett Jesus answered him, ‘Those who love me will keep my word, and my … Read more