Children, Youth and Families

Sunday Youth meets during the 9:30 am Sunday service during school term times.

  • Prayer Experiment- The Examen
    The prayer called the Examen is a way of learning from each day the movements of the Spirit and seeking to notice how our thoughts, words and actions lead us to be more loving or less loving…more like Jesus or less like Jesus. You can try praying this before you go to sleep each night. The Examen Step One – Becoming aware of the Presence of God Sit or lie quietly and become aware of yourself and everything around you. Step Two – Review the day with gratitude Take some time to think and feel back over your day. You … Read more
  • Tweens Event at the Cathedral
    This week, five of our youth made the journey into the cathedral for a “Tweens” day where they explored the symbols of our faith and of the Eucharist.  They even baked their own bread that was shared in the Eucharist at the end of the day! Early in the day the children talked about symbols which represented what was most important to us in living a life of faith. All the children then drew a symbol that reflected an aspect of faith that was important to them- a tree for the sacredness of creation, the sacred heart for the love … Read more
  • Prayer Experiments for Youth and Families
    At the start of this Season of Creation an idea was emailed out for praying creatively with collage. Here is another suggestion to finish off the season of creation – walking outside and praying! In prayer walking, two ancient traditions of prayer are combined: intercession and pilgrimage. The first thing you might think of when you think about prayer is praying for God to help other people. This is called ‘intercession’, asking God to act on behalf of others. There are so many needs of the world, and sometimes we can feel overwhelmed. Just as well that scripture assures us … Read more