Write your own ending

Feast of the Ascension Acts 1.1-11 Ephesians 1.15-23 Mark 16.15-20 Write your own ending                                       ©Suzanne Grimmett Are you the kind of person who likes a story to have a … Read more

When the Poison is the Cure

Fourth Sunday in Lent 13 March 2021 Numbers 21.4-9 Psalm 107.1-3, 17-22      Ephesians 2.1-10     John 3.14-21 When the poison is the cure                                                                 ©Suzanne Grimmett “Listen to your … Read more

Aligning heaven and earth

SERMON  St Andrew’s Parish of Indooroopilly  The Feast of Epiphany  Sunday 5 January 2020  Isaiah 60.1-6  Psalm 72.1-7,10-14  Ephesians 3.1-12  Matthew 2.1-12  Aligning heaven and earth ©Sue Grimmett  The sign … Read more

Taking Another Road

St Andrew’s Anglican Church  Indooroopilly  SERMON  The Epiphany of our Lord  Sunday 6 January, 2019  Isaiah 60.1-6  Psalm 72.1-7, 10-14  Ephesians 3.1-12  Matthew 2.1-12  Taking Another Road ©Sue Wilton Autobiography … Read more