Abundant life

4th Sunday of Easter Acts 4.5-12 Ps 23 1  John 3.16-24 John 10.1-18  Abundant life                                                                                        ©Lauren Martin Today in our gospel reading we heard Jesus say that he ‘came … Read more


The Rev’d Canon Garland has long been acknowledged as the architect of ANZAC Day commemorations. One of his aims was to take this sacred service out into the public square, … Read more

Our role as witnesses

Your life as a Christian should make non-believers question their disbelief.Dietrich Bonhoeffer Easter is a wonderful season to reflect on our role as witnesses. Resurrection was not just an event over … Read more

Outdoor exterior cross

How wonderful to see our cross installed in time for Holy Week, thanks to the generosity of Matthew Hart and the combined efforts of the Indooroopilly Men’s Shed and Alan … Read more

This is the Day

Homily for the Easter Vigil Service Sunday 4 April 2021 This is the day                                                      ©Suzanne Grimmett This is the day when we gather to tell how God’s story has … Read more