Glory with scars

SERMON  Second Sunday of Easter  Acts 5.27-32  Psalm 118:14-29  Revelation 1.4-8  John 20.19-31  ©Sue Wilton  Glory with scars  So the Gloria is back. If we remember, we start punctuating our … Read more

Flowering in the Son

Flowering in the Son: the call to Transfiguration  sermon for the last Sunday before Lent 2019, by the Revd Dr Josephine Inkpin  It is said that the poet Alfred Tennyson … Read more

An unbroken chain of love

St Andrew’s Anglican Church of Indooroopilly  SERMON  Seventh Sunday after Epiphany  Sunday 24 February  Acts 1.14-17, 20-26  Psalm 84  Philippians 3.13-21  John 15.9-17  An unbroken chain of love ©Sue Wilton  … Read more

Faith, Hope, Charity

SERMON  The Presentation of Christ in the Temple  Sunday 3 February  Malachi 3.1-4  Psalm 24  Hebrews 2.14-18  Luke 4.21-30  Faith, Hope, Charity ©Ann Edwards  Lord God, the source of truth, … Read more