Prayer Experiment- The Examen

The prayer called the Examen is a way of learning from each day the movements of the Spirit and seeking to notice how our thoughts, words and actions lead us to be more loving or less loving…more like Jesus or less like Jesus.

You can try praying this before you go to sleep each night.

The Examen

Step One – Becoming aware of the Presence of God

Sit or lie quietly and become aware of yourself and everything around you.

Step Two – Review the day with gratitude

Take some time to think and feel back over your day. You might try playing it back like a movie in your head. When you are ready, read through each of the following questions

  • In what ways have I cared about myself AND cared about others?
  • How have I paid attention to nature and God’s creation?
  • What was I doing when I felt most peaceful and most myself?
  • How have I helped other people feel happy in themselves?
  • What am I grateful for in my day today?

Step Three – Be especially aware of your emotions

  • What were the feelings when you played back your day?
  • Take time to talk to God about anything that was difficult or give thanks for all the good things.

Step Four- Look forward to tomorrow

  • Ask that the Holy Spirit be with you tomorrow. What help might you need?
  • As you get ready to go to sleep leave your day and everything in it to God, knowing you are in the best hands.
St Andrew's Indooroopilly