Many this year, between war in different parts of the globe and the ongoing pandemic and climate related weather events, are feeling the weight of the concerns of the world. As we go deeper into our Lenten pilgrimage, may we commit to prayer and to growing in courage, playing our part, however small, with the life we have and join in healing the world.
I think this prayer by Jim Cotter offers some lovely words that we can make our own as we pray in faith and hope together.
A prayer for Lent
Living Presence, always seeking to right what is wrong,
whose will is our peace,
founded not on military victory
but on justice for all,
wean us from our inherited desire
to survive at the expense of others,
to separate ourselves from them,
to feel superior and secure,
expand our hearts to include all others,
receiving them into our lives
as our equals before you,
finding our security in ever-deepening trust,
and so fulfilling through us
your purposes for humankind.
So may we follow the Way of the Crucified One,
participating in your costly giving love.
Grace and peace,