Celebrating and Imagining

Last Saturday we gathered to celebrate our parish, and the way our different stories have intersect the bigger story of the life of this community. We shared conversation with others, some we may not know well, talking about what matters most to us, and beginning to imagine our future.

We pondered three questions. The responses revealed some common themes which are captured visually in the word clouds.

1. What do you think is the core value of your church? What values give life to your congregation? What is it that, if it did not exist, would make your church totally different from the way it currently is?

2. What are the things you value deeply: specifically, the things you value about yourself, being a parishioner, and your church?

3. If you had three wishes for your church, what would they be?

How would you answer these questions? For what do you hope?
How might you imagine the future of our sacramental community?

St Andrew's Indooroopilly