For it is the God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ”.
2 Corinthians 4:6
When light is available, there is calm and quiet and rest in the dark. Blackout curtains that block the street light can soothe the eyes that yearn for rest. With the strike of a match or the flick of a switch, just one light can illuminate the room. Even when it isn’t shining, the candle or light bulb is still there and ready.
There are so many scriptural references to light and dark – the presence of God alone is sufficient to illuminate and fill a space devoid of goodness and love.
If we were to create a new metaphor today, perhaps we might look to the never ceasing artificial light in our worlds. Or the constant noise that surrounds us. The distractions that we seek and the intrusions into our lives that our technical world has created are a new kind of darkness. One that fills the space that would be more nourishingly filled by a single candle or listening to that still quiet voice in prayer.
As we approach Lent, what a perfect opportunity we have to seek some respite from the busy-ness of our world, if only for a few minutes a day, to retreat from the never ending glare and noise of our world, and attend to the presence of the one whose face and voice need no other illumination or amplification.
Every blessing,
Rev’d Ann