But those who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40: 31)
In our Gospel today, we see Jesus retreat, slipping away while it was still dark, to find time to pray. His retreat was so effective, that Simon (Peter) and his companions hunted in order to find found Jesus.
While I’ve used the word retreat, I can’t help but think that Jesus actually had to hide to get some time alone. It reminds me of those times when tasks and demands pile up, and you want to say – can you just give me five minutes please?
During our Sunday Eucharist this week, we had two birds fly in and swoop in laps around our church roof. One quickly escaped, but the second was panicked – it flew away from anyone that neared it, hit windows, and sat dazed in its attempt to force itself out. I understood for the first time the depths of what it meant to “be in a flap”. We opened the windows, set out some food and water, but nothing would lure the bird to freedom – it kept repeating its panicked cycle.
Can we become stuck too, unable to see the open window, the space outside the confines of where we’re flying? Do we need to stop, and look for that escape? Can we find the space to mount up with wings like eagles?
What would it look like today, if we disappeared at an unexpected time to take the rest and silence we needed? If we deliberately, mindfully, regularly, and unapologetically hid from the demands of the world for an hour or so?
Rev’d Ann