Baptisms and Confirmations


Baptism (Christening)

It is an exciting and momentous thing to seek baptism for yourself or your child. When we come for Baptism we are saying “yes” to God’s love and desire for us to belong to the community of God’s people. We claim God’s love for ourselves or our children and recognise the sacred calling on our lives to grow into our truest self, as God in Christ invites us to become, journeying with the diverse family of the church.

Baptisms are easy to arrange and begin with a conversation. Please contact the church office or Rev’d Sue.


Confirmation is a service in which baptised Christians aged 15 or above confirm the promises that were made for them at baptism. Confirmation is also a way that Christians who come from another tradition might become members of the Anglican Church.

Confirmations may only be conducted by a bishop on his or her annual parish visit.

If you wish to be confirmed, contact the church office to arrange preparation for confirmation.

St Andrew's Indooroopilly