Parish History 1888–1968: Chapter 8

For the full table of contents and a PDF of the booklet, which includes photos, see the Parish History 1888–1968.

St Andrew’s

It is in this picture we will see the extraordinary growth and development of the Parish and its life. There are three causes of this.

The first is the amazing expansion of suburban life as shown in Kenmore, Brookfield and Jindalee, even the closer suburb of Witton and the opening up of new estates near St. Andrew’s

The second cause is the decision to engage in the planned-giving programmes and the awakened interest thereby in church life.

The third and perhaps greatest cause (and this is no reflection on the work of the Reverend Roy St. George), is the driving force both physical and spiritual of the newly-appointed Rector, the Reverend Michael A. Paxton-Hall without whom the results we see today could not have been achieved.

He soon discovered both the weakness and the strength of the parish, and before the end of 1959, different organisations were mooted, which began operation in 1960.

These will be seen in the description of the twelve organisations at present developing parish life. At the Easter meeting in 1960, a very speedy building up of the parish spiritually and financially was announced. Good reports came in from all organisations, a roster of sidesmen for St. Andrew’s and St. Peter’s was made. The Sanctuary Guild became active again, and servers were also rostered under the care of Mr. Bill Watkins.

The Parish News began publication in March, 1960, and has continued successfully ever since. It is interesting to record that the Rector’s Warden (Mr. A. J. Dickenson), one of our synodsmen, was elected to the Diocesan Council. He was also the honorary architect for the new church and as the target of £23,000 for the three years planned-giving programme had reached £26,960 by October, 1961, it was decided that plans be drawn and submitted to the Archbishop and with his approval and that of the Brisbane City Council, an approach be made at the appropriate time for a loan of £12,000 from the Property and Finance Board in order to commence the new church.

Operation Roll Call in November, 1960, discovered through a zoning system two hundred (200) new families. The parish was growing and the need of clerical assistance was obvious; accordingly Mr. Maurice Fox was ordained Deacon in December, 1960 and came to the St. Andrew’s as curate.

All loans to the Parish Council had been paid by this time and the credit of the Building Fund was £1,000; this was sent to the Diocesan Registrar for investment.

Early in 1961 the inside of the Rectory (most of which had been done before the Rector’s arrival) was painted voluntarily by the members of the C.E.M.S., the Reverend Maurice Fox was welcomed to the parish, and the Rector went to Sydney to investigate the Ministry of Healing, which resulted in the formation of a Chapter of the Order of St. Luke.

A visit from the Wells Organisation resulted in a partial canvass to bring in St. Peter’s and the new families. This was Operation Dovetail. From now on all monies from the daughter churches were to be banked in the Indooroopilly Church of England General Fund, or St. Andrew’s Church of England War Memorial Fund.

The Reverend Maurice Fox was ordained a priest in June, 1961 and was therefore of greater assistance to the Rector.

The C.E.M.S. began monthly visits to the Goodna Special Hospital.

By August the parish was raised to class five (5) and the first parish picnic organised.

By October of this year (1961) the first of our three years planned-giving programme showed a possibility of £31,000 being realised.

The first tree in the grounds was removed to make way for the new brick church. Operation Contact for the parish roll began in 1962 with zoning and street planning; and suggestions for a second canvass were made.

Bill Watkins was transferred to Sydney and his position of head server was given to John France Hall of Kenmore and Brookfield. Mr. Royce Voss joined the diocesan staff but continued as church treasurer with Mr. Don Mecham as recorder for the planned-giving programme. On the 29th of April, 1962, the Reverend Roy St. George passed to the higher life, and suitable references were made to him and his work in the parish from 1930 to 1959.

At this time all the churches were united financially but each kept its own identity. In May, the parish was raised to Class 4. There was talk of removing the old wooden church, at a cost of £200, to the land behind the late D. M. T. Forster’s property—see Chapter 10.

In August Archbishop Halse passed on, and as our part in the memorial to a beloved leader, the parish raised £1,200.

After  a  short  curacy  the Reverend Maurice Fox was sent to Jandowae as Vicar; as he had lived in his own house here, steps were taken to secure a flat for the next curate — the Reverend Robert Snell who arrived soon afterwards.

By April, 1963, the pledges for the second canvass reached £38,000 and the Rector felt this was the turning point in parish history.

At the Easter meeting this year the Rector stated his great pleasure with the progress made. Operation Dovetail has been particularly good; in July the pledges amounted to £40,000.

Tenders were called for the erection of the new church but were too high; later a tentative tender of £27,000 was received and after due consideration accepted. Approval was given by the City Council for the removal of the old church and the hut, and also for a toilet block and septic system to serve all properties.

A farewell to the Reverend Maurice Fox and a welcome to the Reverend Robert Snell had taken place in May and a car purchased for the use of the curate. In July, Canon Shand was obliged to give up his work at St. Peters, and alas, passed within the veil in December. Canon Cornish, who had recently retired from St. Paul’s, Ipswich, offered his help and this was gladly accepted.

The state of the finances stood at £9,000 in hand, and £35,000 was expected in pledges.

Mrs. Penhaligon agreed to give us first offer of her property at Kenmore: this has been duly recorded in Chapter 8; also, on the recommendation of Mr. Percy Brier an organ fully described under “Organists” in Chapter 11, was purchased with the understanding that it would be put in good order by the vendors. It remained in the old wooden church until removed to the new brick church in August, 1965.

The contract for this new Memorial Church was signed by Textor Constructions Pty. Ltd. on the first of November, 1963 with the expectation that the church would be ready in eight (8) months time. The church signatories were Messrs. H. F. Trivett for Capel Greenway, the People’s Warden; Royce Voss as Treasurer; and the Rector.

Work on the new church did not begin until May, 1964 but the necessary excavation was done and the tree with the bell (Betty Pughe) removed in readiness.

The death of Roy St. George in April, 1962, and of Canon Shand in December, 1963, brought the decision to establish a fund for a suitable memorial to each. These were a font for Roy St. George at St. Andrew’s and a lectern for Canon Shand at St. Peter’s. Both funds were specially subscribed to by parishioners and the memorials were dedicated in 1965.

Early in 1964 a second curate in the person of the Reverend Graham Ross was appointed, but he remained with us only about a year for in 1965 he was transferred to Stafford.

The first year of the second planned-giving programme was highly satisfactory, land “was bought at Moggill in readiness for the erection of a church at some future date.

By July, progress on the new church pointed to an expected finish early in 1965, and the second canvass looked like reaching £45,000.

At the end of 1964 authority was given to place orders for the new furnishings of the new church, a full list of which was published in the Parish News. At the time of the Dedication in 1965 all furnishings were in place free of debt, because they were donated by parishioners and others. Among the many gifts are the following memorials:

  1. The marble altar, given by Mrs. Maud Cubitt in memory of Lt. Douglas Cubitt killed at Tobruk, 14-4-41.
  2. The crucifix given by Dorothy May Simpson in memory of her Aunt, Ann Jane Carr.
  3. The credence table given by the Ladies’ Guild in memory of the Reverend Roy St. George.
  4. The font, by subscription from parishioners in memory of Mr. St. George.
  5. A sick communion set given by Mr. J. Johnson in memory of his wife and a silver flower stand by the Guild in memory of Mrs. Johnson.
  6. A book cupboard given by her family in memory of Mrs. L. V. Fluck.

Many of the pews in the nave in the side chapel are also memorials. A complete list of these will be found in the Church Memorial Book. The majority of the church furnishings are straight out gifts which were all in position and paid for at the Dedication.

Also the first stained glass window for the chapel was made, the tower finished and the bell (Betty Pughe) hung below a roof on which a large metal cross was erected in October, 1964; yet we still awaited the arrival of steel for the framework of the building, but while waiting the brick work continued.

This, however, was held up occasionally and there was some difficulty with subcontracts; but eventually all was finished at a cost of $62,000, less than the lowest of the three tenders that had been rejected.

The total cost of the War Memorial Church is approximately $90,000 which includes the furnishings (about $10,000) and the columbarium and the vestries above it (recently used as the Rector’s study and the church office).

This with the land bought from Mr. D. M. T. Forster and the removal of the old timber building and the hut and some necessary alterations and additions — a total of approximately $3,000 — makes our new church worth $93,000.

As the day of dedication drew near several matters of domestic concern were attended to; the Archbishop was pleased with his inspection of the building and fixed the date 01 dedication for Saturday, September 4, 1965.

As the hour of dedication drew nearer there was a feverish rush to have everything ready. And by God’s help all was ready.

And now follows a description of our new St. Andrew’s Church given to me by Mr. A. J. Dickenson — a Senior Architect of the State Department of Works in Queensland, and Rector’s Warden and Honorary Architect for the Church:— The original instructions to the architect were to design a brick sanctuary and vestries to be sited so as to form the nucleus of a new brick church, so that the timber church could be moved, set on new foundations, and connected to the brick structure.

A design was prepared and advantage taken of the slope of the land to make provision for a chapel and columbarium underneath the proposed brick sanctuary.

This sanctuary, vestries and columbarium were erected, but the proposal to connect the timber church to the brick sanctuary was not proceeded with.

After the purchase of land from Mr. D. M. T. Forster in 1961 the instructions to the architect were changed. Instead of connecting the timber church to the brick sanctuary, it was decided to move both the timber church and the hut to the additional land thus leaving the site of the proposed brick church free of obstructions. The design of the brick church was completed along the lines of the original instructions using the brick sanctuary and with provision for the choir in the chancel.

While tenders for the brick church were being considered, the opportunity was taken to adopt the architect’s recommendations that the internal arrangements be modified without increasing the overall dimensions of the building.

A design was prepared with sanctuary at the geographical west end, extending the full width of the nave, and the brick structure originally intended as the sanctuary was replanned as a baptistry with a choir gallery above. This modified plan was accepted and the brick church completed accordingly. The large sanctuary and chancel areas allow the communion rail to extend for the full 57 feet (17.4 metre) width of the chancel and side chapel.

The high altar is free standing so that services may be conducted in accordance with changing liturgical patterns.

The building is 105 feet 11 inches (32.3 metres) in length and 71 feet 7 inches (21.8 metres) in width.

Brickwork was used to keep faith with the intention of foundation members of the parish that the permanent church be of brick. The face bricks are Brittain’s medium fawn, these having been selected when the first section of the brick church was erected, because it was expected that Brittains, with their extensive resources of brick clay could match these bricks when the building was eventually completed.

This proved to be the case.

The nave is 45 feet (13.7 metres) wide, the roof being supported by portal frames of structural steel. These frames are 19 feet (5.8 metres) high at the side walls and rise to 30 feet (9.1 metres) above the nave floor at the centre of the roof span.

The roof of the verandah and roof of the side chapel on either side of the nave are pitched at a lower level so that the upper parts of the side walls of the nave are filled with large clerestorey windows.

The roof and ceiling of the nave extend over the sanctuary and choir gallery in an unbroken line. The ceiling is arranged to follow the slope of the roof and the portal frames are exposed both as an expression of the structure and to form construction joints in the large expanse of fibrous ceiling.

The floor of the nave, sanctuary and side chapel are of turpentine, this hard wearing timber having been grown and milled in the Northern Rivers District of New South Wales.

The acoustical treatment of the interior of the building is’ based on the use of simple materials for control of reverberation and for the reflection of the spoken word from sanctuary and chancel as well as organ music and singing from the gallery. Although the building is relatively large in volume the acoustical treatment was designed to provide acceptable conditions without the use of a sound reinforcement system. The shape of the nave ceiling where it follows the gabled outlines of the clerestorey windows affords good dispersion of sound. Acoustic tile panels in the main ceiling, textured plaster panels on east and west walls, and acoustically treated panelling in the baptistry and gallery prove areas of absorption.

The whole building has been designed so that the congregation can worship without being disturbed by excess of ornament and also that large expanse of windows allows one to be aware of the surrounding neighbourhood and the trees and the sky. The brick tower has a reinforced concrete frame and is connected with the south verandah by a covered way. It is 60 feet high (18.3 metres) with a copper cross 10 feet high (3 metres) on the top; the upper level is designed to accommodate a peal of bells, and at present the original church bell “Betty Pughe” is installed on a stainless steel mounting.

So ends the architect’s detailed description of our truly beautiful church.

The following description of the Dedication, written by me, appeared in the October issue, 1965 of the Church Chronicle: —

On Saturday night September 4, His Grace, the Archbishop dedicated the new Church of St. Andrew, Indooroopilly with all the dignity and beauty of our Anglican Ceremonial. There was a congregation of 700 and many people had to sit on specially hired chairs on the verandah.

The beauty of the church is apparent to all and the first impression one receives on entering it is the spaciousness of the interior. It is lofty and sufficiently long to make a rectangle that creates good acoustics.

The furnishings (all donated) have been specially designed to fit in with the whole concept of the church, which is a happy compromise between the old and the new. On the wall behind the lovely white marble altar hangs a carved wooden crucifix that arrests the attention of the worshipper. The pulpit and the lectern are unusual and with the pews and the rich red carpet and the prayer desks add to the uniformity of the whole design.

The beautiful font is a memorial to the late Rector, the Reverend Roy St. George, during whose incumbency the foundation stone was laid by Archbishop Halse.

In the chapel, above the altar of the old church is a really beautiful mural designed and executed by Mrs. Jukes, and on the side of the chapel are the stained glass windows of the old church with an appropriate plaque. At the entrance is a commemoration stone.

The choir and organ are in a gallery above the baptistry and impel the congregation to sing heartily, and this, added to the ceremonial, made the service of Dedication a wonderful paean of praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God . . .

After the service most of the congregation adjourned to the parish hall for a cup of tea and to meet the Archbishop who, during the evening, presented Mr. A. J. Dickenson, (the Rector’s warden and architect) with an illuminated address of thanks for all that he has done in giving us such a beautiful memorial church.

The next morning His Grace concluded the Dedication by celebrating the first Eucharist in the new church at 7 a.m. At 9.30 a.m. the Rector, the Reverend M. A. Paxton-Hall celebrated and at 7.30 p.m. the festival ended with a Festal Evensong at which the Reverend Dr. Keith Rayner gave an inspiring sermon on what the church should be. And before the final blessing the choir stood before the altar and all sang the Te Deum with the organ pealing forth in joyous tones.

The official documents regarding the dedication were received from the diocesan registrar and duly signed. And after such an inspiring event the parish settled down to normal life.

In 1965, a decision was reached to have a third canvass in 1966. Operation Doorknock for the Tufnell Home was decided, Jindalee was included in the parish as from April, and in June Mr. Alan Case was appointed treasurer in place of Mr. Royce Voss who was obliged to resign owing to excess of diocesan work.

An interesting event occurred at the Easter meeting that year by the election to the council of Mr. Norman Amos of the Y.A.F. — the first member of that body to be so honoured.

Towards the end of the year one of the former members of the Y.A.F. who was ordained a priest in 1964 came and celebrated one morning in the old church. I refer to the Reverend Keith Colbert now in the Bush Brotherhood at Quilpie.

Another member, now the Reverend Robert Cooper, was made deacon this year and ordained priest in December, 1966. The Reverend Robert Snell was transferred to St. Paul’s, Ipswich in January, 1966. We said goodbye to him at Evensong on the 3rd of January and welcomed his successor the Reverend Irvine J. Scott who left us in January, 1968 for Bundaberg.

The third planned-giving programme got away to a good start at the Family Dinner in February, 1966 in the University refectory.

At the Easter meeting the Rector said he believed the church year 1965-1966 would be considered a turning point in parish history because

  1. The parish church was dedicated.
  2. The whole of the internal furnishings over $10,000 were paid for.
  3. A successful third canvass was launched with more than $81,000 promised.
  4. Kenmore church-cum-hall started.

The final cost of the new St. Andrew’s was $62,000 and that of the Kenmore which was dedicated on the 28th of August, 1966, $25,085 with furnishings $811.00. On this same day Mr. A. J. Dickenson was admitted as a lay reader and given the Archbishop’s special license to allow him to administer the chalice at Holy Communion when required.

A similar license was given to Mr. Alan Case also.

Operation Doorknock for funds for Tufnell Home extensions was successfully organised by Mr. Eric Brier and resulted in $1,100 being raised for the Tufnell Home extensions.

Only one other parish raised a higher amount.

A decision was made to have a memorial book in which a record may be inserted and therefore preserved of all memorial gifts in the old timber church and the present war memorial church.

Another decision this year was to take part in the Church Life Movement to work with members of other churches in the mission of the church in the modern world.

A third decision was made in December, 1966 to have the long awaited parish mission the following year. (It was first thought about in 1962). This proved to be the highlight of parish activity for 1967.

It was conducted by two of the Franciscan Friars of Brookfield during one week in October. The results of the mission which was well attended have yet to be discovered; Brother Simon conducted the adult mission and Brother Williams the children’s portion.

Many other items of varying interest must be recorded.

Early in the year an “Organ Fund” was arranged quite independent of the parochial council. An organ recital was given by our church organist, Mrs. Ron Tolmie in June.

This was preceded by a talk on organs in general and our own in particular by Mr. Percy Brier. The audience which was reasonably large showed much appreciation and the fund benefitted considerably but the concert given by the choir later in the year was not only a huge success financially but also socially.

During the year Mr. Percy Brier was obliged to give up his work as lay reader but was able to put together this history of the parish.

Last November the first of some expected future broadcasts by 4KQ of Evensong took place and was appreciated by many who were unable to be present on that occasion.

In the church today two pews allotted to the church wardens have their wands of office in position; two banners are placed in the sanctuary, one for the Mother’s Union and one for St. Andrew, both designed by Mr. Dickenson; and the originally intended vestry above the columbarium became the Rector’s study and the church office has been transferred to what was the choir vestry. Finally in the chapel are two handsome stained glass windows, one of St. Mark, the other of St. Luke.

In addition to previously mentioned activities of the parish are three which engaged our attention (1) The Freedom from Hunger Campaign; (2) M.R.I, a result of the Toronto Conference; (3) The Church and Life Movement — a nation-wide project of leader training, group discussions and community contact — all as an inter-church activity.

Looking through the Parish News, one finds constant references to the various organisations, (especially those of youth), which include pageants and tableaux illustrative of aspects of worship.

Also one reads of the great assistance given to the clergy by Mrs. Gow in the religious instruction in the several state schools during the past five years.

Finally as we conclude the 79th year of our parish life (August 25, 1968) we record the arrival of the Reverend Derek Pryde and his family to be the senior assistant curate, and the Reverend Geoffrey Thomas as part time assistant and that Mrs. Pryde, Mrs. Wallace and the Franciscan Friars will be helping in the work of religious instruction.

Also that during this year several important changes took place and have been recorded elsewhere.

After the parish welcome to the Reverend Derek Pryde and the Reverend Geoffrey Thomas we settled down to the year’s work. The several annual meetings in April, revealed steady progress in all departments of parish life.

Shortly after Easter we were shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. St. George in Sydney, and on the 6th of July a special requiem was celebrated by Archdeacon Hoog, an old personal friend, who afterwards placed her ashes in the Chapel of All Souls.

On the 6th of May, Evensong was broadcast by 4KQ for the second time, and in July a special Evensong with modern hymns and music was conducted by the young people. This was genuinely appreciated by those present.

The Healing Ministry and weekly services continued and the choir visited the daughter churches to sing at their festival services.

Altar servers had their final eucharist with the Rector on Saturday, July 27, followed by a breakfast in the hall.

The petition for the formation of Kenmore, Brookfield and Moggill into a parochial district was signed and sent to the Arch-bishop-in-Council, and was granted.

The new church-cum-hall at Moggill has been dedicated and is now free of debt.

Everyone received a great shock when the Rector informed us that he had been offered the parish of St. Mark, Warwick, and had accepted it; and that he would leave us early in August.

The nominators immediately got to work but nothing could be done until the Kenmore petition was settled.

As a final official farewell to the Rector a barbecue was held on the 21st of July at Bundaleer at which he was presented with a cheque, Mrs. Paxton-Hall with a lovely handbag and the children with suitable gifts.

On the 28th of July, the Rector gave his final services to St. Peter’s, Brookfield and Kenmore, and on Wednesday, July 31, the parochial council presented him with a beautiful cope which he blessed and wore at Evensong on Sunday, August 4, when he preached for the last time.

At this service and also at the final celebrations of holy communion he announced the decision of the Archbishop-in-Council to grant the petition for the new parochial district of Kenmore, Brookfield and Moggill; also that the Venerable John Alfred Swan, Archdeacon of Lilley would be our new Rector and would be inducted on the 5th of September. He hoped the name of the Priest-in-charge, or the Vicar of the new parochial district would be made known at the same time.

After a touching farewell Evensong we bade farewell to a beloved Rector, and as a final tribute to one who has done so much for us about sixty (60) people from all parts of the parish journeyed to Warwick for his induction as Rector there on the 9th of August.

During this induction service Bishop Hudson announced that the new Rector had also been appointed Rural Dean of Warwick which embraces the parishes of Warwick, Texas, Ingle wood, Stanthorpe, Killarney, Clifton, and Allora.

Our sixth Rector, the Venerable John Alfred Swan was inducted by Bishop Hudson on the 5th of September and his first services as Rector will be the third anniversary of the dedication of our new church. He will also begin the 80th year of our parish life and the fourth era of our parish history.

For the full table of contents and a PDF of the booklet, which includes photos, see the Parish History 1888–1968. Alternatively, go to Chapter 9.