The Light of Resurrection

Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you.’ (John 20: 26b)

In this season of new life we hear stories where we encounter the risen Lord which help us re-imagine our lives in the light of that resurrection. The peace Jesus offers is the peace of our kinship as one family of God. Jesus comes still bearing the scars of crucifixion and yet offering forgiveness and calling us into a new kind of human community where we are invited to come as we are.

Brian McLaren describes this new fellowship as “for scarred people and for scared people, and for people who want to believe but aren’t sure what or how to believe. When we come together just as we are, we begin to rise again, to believe again, to hope again, to live again.”[1]

May we reimagine our lives together in the light of resurrection this Easter season, living out the hope that again flames into life, defying all that would defeat or diminish us.

Grace and peace,

[1] Brian McLaren, We Make the Road by Walking (Hodder and Stoughton, 2014) 214